Service Times
Sunday School: 9:30am
Morning Worship: 10:30am
Kids4Truth: 6:45pm
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Quick Questions
We are a Bible teaching church, sharing the hope of Jesus Christ to Greene and the surrounding area. We seek to love Jesus Christ and to follow Him more faithfully and invite you to visit one of our services!
You might be wondering, what to expect when you come to one of our services. Here are some answers to some questions that you might have.
Where do I take my children?
A nursery is provided for babies and young children.
How long is the message?
We study through books of the Bible together, which is about 40 minutes. We are passionate about the Bible, so this is a very important part of our service.
What about the worship?
We worship our awesome God with a combination of songs, focusing on the truth and singing from our hearts.
Am I expected to participate in the offering?
As our guest, we do not expect you to participate in the offering.
What should I wear?
Some people dress up and some come dressed casual. Come whichever way you prefer, prepared to worship God and learn from the Bible.